After I was all nice and clean, the day improved considerably, starting with the large, wooden swing being moved outside. It's really cool to be able to swing indoors (it feels fairy tale-ish or like something in a movie), but one can't swing very far because of the furniture and the people passing behind it. That afternoon I ended up sitting on that swing for what felt like hours. I guess since everything was so peaceful time seemed to pass by so slowly that I had no idea how long I was actually on that swing. I hadn't gone out much on the farm so sitting on that swing was the perfect way for me to enjoy the peaceful outdoors and burn some calories. It almost seemed too perfect that I could watch some butterflies hovering near the flowers and things seemed so tranquil. I kept thinking about how the color palette of the surroundings couldn't help but be burned in mind- the green trees, the reddish earth and the cloudy blue sky. Having a big swing all to myself with the breeze in my hair and no agenda to worry about made me feel like such a princess. It was sort of surreal to be thinking, 'Do I keep swinging or shall I play with the puppies a bit? Perhaps I should go inside and have some tea. No, I just stay out here..' I tried to savor it all because I don't know when I'll get to have another day like that!
Every now and then, Swathi and I have tried to make something or have non-Indian food of some sort for a bit of variety. We've had some pizza (including the Chik 'n' Spicy from Pizza Hut which was quite good) and made French toast with cinnamon from the farm, wee slices of bread (the bread slices are smaller here which makes them much cuter) and big chunks of sugar sprinkled on top since we don't have any maple syrup on hand. There's also been the occasional dose of vegetable masala ramen noodles which have also been pretty good. After intervals of sitting on the swing and giving tummy rubs to the puppies, I got to mooch some fries that Swathi made. For some reason, I thought that frying French fries required batter so I was somewhat surprised to learn that one can make fries by literally just putting some chopped potatoes in hot oil. Aside from some salt (because fried stuff and salt are a great combination), we seasoned the fries with some chili powder which was the bee's knees. It wasn't too spicy; it was just right. I would've taken pictures, but the lighting at the house wasn't all that great and I was too hungry and impatient to bother whipping out my camera before eating the fries.
A huge swing, playing with puppies and french fries... doesn't that sound like a good day?

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