Monday, June 9, 2008

Catch-up... maybe too much catch-up.

Don't worry, I'm still here. No, I haven't been involved in some freak sari accident (although that does sound interesting); it's more like my blog absence is due to busyness and a lack of internet access from my laptop. There's one laptop in the house that has internet access, but I always feel weird spending what I would consider a lot of time on the communal computer as I'm afraid of hogging it, so I've only been using that computer to write brief emails to my parents to assure them that I'm alive and well.

I gave up on waiting for getting some internet access to my laptop so I could upload pictures and spend as much time as I needed on my entries without worrying about hogging the family laptop so here's what I wrote on Word so I could paste it on my blog to post when I had the chance. The next 3 entries are posted in reverse chronological order, going down from oldest to most recent:

1 comment:

K. said...

I love how your definition of negligence is like. A week of not updating.

That said, I'm glad you're having a good time. Now you're sort of in my world (definitely in Swathi's), since I've heard life and general chaoticness in Bangladore reminded people of Manila. I bet that assumption is way off but I wouldn't be surprised if it weren't.

I actually met a lot of cool people from around Bangladore who are studying in Munich. We get together and laugh at "real" Amis (meaning, Amis whose parents are Amis so I guess you're still included ;)) and Germans for generally not knowing how to eat rice with their hands.

Your description of New Zealand reminds me of certain parts of Norway when I was there, actually. Aside from being on the wrong side of the road, of course. I definitely got the feeling I was in Lord of the Rings (and why not? I’m short enough). ;)

Keep updating us, I’m trying my best too. But sometimes my life just isn’t interesting enough.

- Kerstin