I used to find it ridiculous when in songs someone would say that they "couldn't make it through the night" but now I find myself tempted to curl up into the fetal position and saying just that. I'm in the Indian countryside staying a couple days in a farmhouse and now that it's night, I'm terrified. I'm not wearing my glasses because I don't want to see any creepy crawlies of any sort and I'm afraid to peek under my bed because I really could find something staring back at me. Even though my laptop needs to be charged (and I keep forgetting that my charger is the one thing that won't fit into my adaptor), I have some music on and I'm charging my ipod so I can fall asleep to some music. It's calming to hear the crickets chirping outside, but whenever I hear a slight stirring or brushing sound, my imagination goes wild. Earlier I heard a small sound and it made my heart jump so I had to put on the music. Oh yeah, and the power is a bit erratic out here so I do have a night light with me as well. Not that I'd want to see what's in the dark. I have a room to myself, but am I really alone?!


I've sort of jumped around here but now is not the time to be playing catch-up! Even just getting from the Auckland airport to the Bangalore one is another story in itself, so I'll get back to you on that when it's daylight and I'm not shivering in my boots. I hope tomorrow when I'm not showering out of a pail I won't have a lizard/spider/cockroach/check other to keep me company...
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